The mail lady has been leaving package after package at my door lately. I have done almost all of my Christmas shopping online this year, so a package is becoming a usual thing. What was not usual was that yesterday there was a package with my name on it! Yes indeed, the Blogging By Mail fairy decided it was my turn! And wow, did my partner spoil me!
It is a complete box of christmas joy! Erin from erin-go-blog was so thoughtful in putting together a package that not only I would love, but that my kids would love too. She made some homemade peanut butter fudge that has the perfect amount of peanut butter- and it’s sooo creamy! She also made (and I agree) The World’s Best Ginger Cookie Evah! Seriously! I am going to be copying down that recipe and making it for our cookie trays, because this beats a gingersnap hands down. Have no fears blog-readers, I’ll be sharing the recipe when I do make them (which happens to be from a former bbm partner of Erin’s, btw). Then we have some Peanut Blossoms, which I have never made, but which the kids went nuts over. Abigail’s already asked if we can try and make some ourselves, so I guess it will go onto the list as well.

Erin also tucked in a jar of hot cocoa mix and some homemade mint marshmallows which I am completely hoarding to myself. And a package of authentic Buffalo area sponge candy. It’s known around here as Angel Food candy, but man, no one makes it like this. The gingerbread man you see holding a peppermint stick tragically lost his arm during shipment, but that was mended soon…ahem…and then there’s still more in this package!!!! Erin sent an awesome CD of her Christmas favorites, which we’ve already been listening too, and then a really fun rock CD for the kids as well. (My compliments to the band Erin!) And finally there is an adorable little holiday cookbook just filled with ideas for new holiday cookies. Abigail was eyeing that one up yesterday, so I imagine we’ll be putting something together soon.

What a generous box of Christmas cheer! Thank you so much to erin-go-blog for such a thoughtful package- and the recipes to go with! And a huge thank you to Stephanie at Dispensing Happiness for organizing another round of Blogging By Mail. And if anyone’s curious, it looks like my package arrived safe and sound as well…

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