20 points to the person who can identify where today’s post title came from. 🙂

Today Tummy treasure is taking a bit of a break so I can nurse my sick little girl to health. She was awake in the middle of the night, and I suspect the nasty Norovirus that is going around, so I need to comfort her, and make sure I’m cleaning the house thoroughly to try and prevent the rest of us from getting it. There is a chance she just had a nervous reaction to all the excitement yesterday, as she had her Christmas play at church. But she’s still looking a little green this morning, so I must go tend to her.

In lieu of a food post today, I can use today as a reminder of how fortunate we are to have food in our tummies to cause such a disturbing reaction. There are children all over the world today whose tummies hurt because they are empty. Tummies who don’t remember the last time they held a slice of bread. In the spirit of the holiday season, please consider a donation to help feed the hungry around the world. Consider A Menu For Hope, a fundraiser supported by food-bloggers all around the globe. This year’s campaign is raising money for The United Nations World Food Programme, a wonderful cause. Not only do you get the sense of satisfaction from donating to a worthy cause, you also get a chance to win awesome prizes for each $10 donated. For more information about donating, and checking out the list of prizes, head on over to our organizer, Chez Pim for all the details. So far, we have raised over $24,000! Let’s keep it up, the campaign runs through December 22, so check it out while you have the chance!

3 thoughts on “Fiddle Broke

  1. Oh I’m so excited! That is exactly right. That is one of my all time faves as well. Every time I feel ill, I think of the dog and “fiddle broke.” I love that book.

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