I’m on a roll. Today I grabbed another cookbook and check another off my list. Although in all fairness, I knew this book would not be difficult to check off the list. Today I turned to my trusty King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion. I love this book. I have yet to make a bad recipe from it, and today was no exception. Today I had it in my head that I wanted to make pita bread. I love pita bread, but I seldom buy it, because it just doesn’t taste as good as the fresh stuff. I’ve made it once before, using a recipe from Joy of Cooking, and while I liked it, it wasn’t awesome. I was also turned off by the procedure, very time consuming and daunting for the amount of pita.

King Arthur did not disappoint. The recipe came together in a snap. My only problem was that my dough was really sticky, and I had to add in about 3 extra tablespoons of flour. I left out the optional dough relaxer, as I don’t have any, but otherwise followed the recipe to a “T”. I’m a little disappointed with the size of the pitas, but they really did puff up in the oven and would make pockets if I chose to do so. My favorite way to eat fresh pitas though is straight up or cut into wedges and baked into chips to scoop up hummus. This recipe was so easy, in fact, that I’ve already determined that the next time I want gyros, this recipe will work nicely. Total time involved was less than 2 hours, and these pitas would be awesome with some grilled pork or lamb wrapped up in them. I have the recipe for Pita Bread posted in the Recipe Trove. This one is highly recommended.

5 thoughts on “Check Another One

  1. ok we must be working on the same things. I just have no gumption to blog, but I made the pitas with whole wheat flour last week and they were great.

  2. Did you make the same recipe? I thought about using whole wheat flour, but I just wasn’t sure it would work very well. I may have to give that a try.

  3. King Arthur has the best Web site for baking — I don’t own the cookbook, but I sure use the site a lot.

    Let’s hear it for Camelot.

  4. I used the same exact recipe. It would be interesting to see how they compare. I just try to stick with WW flour when I can.

  5. I love King Arthur books! I have three and use them quite regularly. And it seems they are trying to start a magazine now too.

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