This is a sad day indeed. Tomorrow night at 12:01 millions of viewers across the globe will cheer as the opening frame of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith blazes across the screen. The unforgettable sounds of John William’s orchestration announcing the arrival of the final installment of one of the greatest sagas ever told. And I won’t be there. I purchased 3 tickets to the midnight screening of the movie to take Caleb and Rachel with me. And of course, things have not worked out according to plan. Andy left this morning for Madison for the week, and I will be home alone with the kids for the week. Obviously I can’t sneak out for a late night movie viewing. The entire problem is that Zander really doesn’t quite sleep through the night. He wakes up and wants Mommy. So I pull him into bed with me and we fall back asleep. He doesn’t always stay there. At some point I scoop him up and drop him back in his bed. But there is no substitution for Mommy during the night. So I will be giving my tickets to Rachel and Caleb, and I will tell them to take Jake with them, and have a good time- but I don’t want to hear about it.

Andy is so going to owe me a movie date. The annoying part is that it will take us forever to get around to actually arranging child care and going to see the movie. I told Andy his work actually owes me the $$ I spent on the tickets. Ah well, the Sith will be Revenging for some time I’m sure. I’ll get to see it eventually, and I guess if I wait longer, than it will just take me closer to the next movie we are going to go see. Since we only get out to a movie once or twice a year- that’s a big deal. I think in the last 3 years, the only movies we have seen out has been LOTR. On December 9th The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe comes out- and that one Andy has already told me he is taking me to that one. So that’s okay.

Have fun at the movie guys. I’m sorry I have to miss opening night. There will never be another night like this. This is the viewing the die-hards go to. Everyone dresses up, and I bet there will be stormtroopers there. Maybe even an Imperial Guard or two. If there is a Vader there I will be terribly sad…

4 thoughts on “In mourning

  1. it was great – but it would have been greater if you were there. =) and don’t worry – there was no darth vader. just a bunch of guys with light sabers and a jawa…though the jawa was pretty sweet. i mean, no…it sucked. definitely not worth the time…

  2. OOOH!!! MINE HAD A DARTH VADER THERE!!! :):):):) Yupp, sorry Erika–I got to go too. Unfortunately when I came back (about 3:30 am) I had to sleep in my car. See, at school you are only allowed to sign out until 2am, but during May term you can’t sign out late at ALL. So I signed out to camp out overnight. Then I froze in my sleep and woke up at the ripe morning time of 5:30 and tried vainly to fall asleep again. After lying awake for another hour or so, I decided hey–now I can legally get back in to the dorms! (You can do that at 6am). Unfortunately, maintinence didn’t agree with me as they don’t send anyone to UNLOCK the doors until around 8am. So I knocked on the window of the person staying across the hall from me, and she let me in and asked WHAT on earth I was doing out so early. I told her honestly, “I couldn’t sleep at 5:30, so here I am!” It was great. But of course, after 2 hours of sleep I was still miserably tired. So I found my bed around 7:30 and fell back asleep until 8:45 when I had to get up for class (thankfully the prof moved it from 8 to 9 o’clock). But I’ll tell ya–it was totally worth not sleeping! Aside from a few moments of bad acting (mostly on the fault of a female I can’t stand anyways) it was overall wonderful. But now I’m tired. 🙂 And completely broke. I put $3.62 in my gas tank before I left, just hoping I wouldn’t run out of gas before I got back to school. The low fuel light came on precisely 14 miles out of town. 🙂 Okay, enough rambling. It’s your blog, not mine! 😀

  3. haha that’s funny liz, very funny. but at the same time, really terrible. sorry you had to spend the night in your car!! love you:)

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