Actually, most often a homemade baked good is economical anyway. Yesterday’s dessert was economical, delicious, and incredibly simple to make. Last night I prepared a simple Dump Cake for company dinner. Dump cake is what it sounds like. Ingredients are literally dumped into a baking dish, baked and then eaten with a scoop of Cool Whip on top. And yes, it needs the Cool Whip. Real whipped cream, while usually the standard in our house just doesn’t cut it with this dessert. I have seen many, many variations to dump cake. Some of which use chocolate cake mix instead of yellow, or some which change out the cherries and pineapple for blueberries and peaches. I think often about trying a different variation, but I always end up sticking with my tried and true combination.

Dump cake always reminds me of growing up. We had family friends that we would get together with on occasion. Dinner was often included, and even though we all thought Mom was an astounding cook, there is just something about eating someone else’s delicious food. Getting together with these friends often involved me watching over all the kids while the grown-ups visited- since I was the oldest. Yet before the evening was over, all the kids usually migrated into the adults room where a sing-along would occur. And while we all sat around listening to various voices take center stage, the smell of something heavenly baking would tease us until it’s completion. And the result of all that wait was a scoop of easy but delicious dump cake. This was a dessert worthy of licking the bowl clean. Literally. And while the ingredients may not be anything special all by themselves, combined, they perform magic.

2 thoughts on “Dessert Can Be Economical Too

  1. I love dump cake.

    My Aunt Laura had a great recipe — I guess I’ll have to do that one one of these days — she was a character, and her husband was a syndicated cartoonist with a penchant for red underwear.

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