Sadly, this past weekend, Sunday Company Dinner did not happen. Abigail came down with the flu Friday night, spent Saturday on the couch, and then woke up feeling yucky again Sunday morning. So the kids and I stayed home while Andy went to church, but we were optimistic that as the day went on, Abigail would get much better, and we’d still be able to have company. Best laid plans, you know? Because during the few hours that Andy was gone, Zander went from my little sparkle boy to company for his sister. And for Mommy, that means that I get to sit with him at almost all times. So I did get a bit of reading in, and lots of snuggle time, but Company Dinner had to be canceled.

This was a very sad thing. A friend of ours who is a regular for Company Dinner recently borrowed my Rick Bayless cookbook and he was preparing a feast to remember and bring along. So we called him up and told him we were going to have to cancel. About an hour later, there was a knock on our door, and there was a delivery of homemade tortillas, tender Mexican pork, guacamole, homemade salsa, and rice. We were thrilled. Dinner wasn’t going to be much, as I was stuck on the couch with Zander, and Abigail, the one with a bit of an appetite requested mac-n-cheese. So Andy assembled tacos, and OMG! Seriously, these were the best tacos I have ever eaten. The pork was spicy and sweet and savory all at the same time. And the guacamole and salsa melded with that pork so well. They were so good, that within seconds we were on the phone asking what he needed to make these for next week’s Company Dinner, because these were amazing. In fact, I’m thinking about them this morning wishing we hadn’t stuffed our gills with every last drop of pork, because I could have eaten those spicy critters for breakfast!

In the event that I get this cookbook back in this century, I will be sure and share the recipes our friend used. If you happen to have a copy of Rick Bayless’s Mexican Kitchen, it is a pork recipe that is slowly simmered in broth, and somewhere in the recipe is roasted tomatoes and raisins. After the pork is cooked up, it is shredded and crisped up in a saute pan- so good, and worth whatever time it may take to make it. You wouldn’t think that the raisins would be a good edition, but honestly I think the bites of taco with raisins were the best part. That tiny bit of sweetness just played off the heat so well… Mmmm.

In other business, I’ve been paying attention to the number of times my blog is viewed every day. On the weekends, it seems that the people checking in here drops in half. I know I’m not consistent with my weekend posting, and understandably, people are busy on the weekends, but I’m wondering what people think about weekend posting. Are you disappointed when you pull up the page on a Saturday evening and there’s nothing new? Do you only check the blog on the weekdays so it doesn’t matter? I’ve gotten into a good rhythm where I try to post every single day, but coming up with content for seven days a week, plus Well-Fed is keeping me hopping, to be certain. So if you have an opinion one way or another, I’d love to know that you think.

Tomorrow I am going to share an awesome recipe for Pork Tenderloin, so make sure you come back for that. With grill season on the way, this one is not to be missed!

6 thoughts on “On Weekend Posting…And Other Stuff

  1. Sorry to hear that your kiddos are sickos! Hope they feel better soon. I usually check everyday, but have noticed that a lot of people “take the weekend off.” Looking forward the pork loin…I love it when it’s made but HATE making it…raw tenderloin is so gross to me! I deal with it though because it’s yummy.

  2. I ususally check every day- but I am a mom and understand that life happens.

    You make the pork sound good enough for me to get the cookbook!

  3. Hope everyone’s feeling better soon.
    I like to check almost every day but certainly know that you need a break at times and if there’s not a new post it definitely does not stop me from checking back in the next day or later the same day!

  4. Thanks Claire, they both seem to be better and full of trouble now. This pork tenderloin require minimal touching, so it should work well for you.

    Molli, life DOES happen often, doesn’t it. And yes, that pork was sooo worth the price of the book alone (and it’s a really cheap one used through Amazon or Ebay) I will certainly be sharing the recipe when I get the book back.

    Thanks Tammy!

  5. wow sounded like an awesome recipe.

    I check things via my rss feed. lately I check things regularly but only give myself a certain amount of time and occasionally i don’t get to them all but i try to get to yours before most of the other food blogs.

  6. Wow chrispy, I’m honored that you check mine before others… 🙂

    I really need to find that recipe somewhere to share with everyone…

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