There is little that is more economical that breakfast. Really. We like to have standard breakfast food for dinner every once in a while anyway because we’re not big breakfast people. Breakfast for us is usually a bowl of cereal, so we seldom have the opportunity to have eggs, pancakes, waffles, etc. Lately, since we’re on a budget, breakfast is making more of an appearance. One of mine and Andy’s favorites is a frittata or an egg scramble. Especially when we have leftover roasted veggies lurking about. We could easily have a frittata a week, except for the fact that Zander doesn’t like eggs, and Abigail will eat a little, but they’re not her favorite. That’s kind of too bad actually, because I can buy 18 eggs for $1.25 at the grocery store- it doesn’t get much more economical than that!

Fortunately, the kids love pancakes and french toast. Last night’s offering ended up being french toast. I make mine very simply with eggs, milk, cinnamon, salt, pepper, and a tiny touch of vanilla. Last night we topped them with some strawberries that had been frozen last summer during the height of strawberry season. That was an excellent treat at the end of February. I don’t have a recipe for my french toast. I just beat everything together, adding another egg if I need to , or more milk if it seems too eggy. I also like using homemade bread- and last night I happened to have a loaf needing to be used, so my decision was made for me. Abigail and Zander both inhaled supper last night. Seriously inhaled. I seldom make french toast, as pancakes get requested more often. But after last night, I think we’ll be making french toast again real soon.

Tonight I take the night off. After ballet class tonight, we’re going to visit with Grandma and Grandpa for a little bit since they’re back from running around the country. If I get a chance, I may bake something today, but we’ll see. I did want to mention today that I made a couple of changes over at The Recipe Trove yet again. I have enabled anonymous comments and changed the comment section to a review section. Have you made one of my recipes? I would love to have your review on it. In the next few days I’ll be getting the last of my Tummy Treasure recipes loaded in, so keep an eye out for that.

As for Weigh-In Wednesday… no change here. No change is better than going in the opposite direction, so that’s a good thing, but I think until I can get a bit of exercise in, I’m pretty much going to be stuck where I am. And 12 inches of snow this past weekend, plus more over the next two days doesn’t sound too promising in that regard. So happy Wednesday everyone!

3 thoughts on “Breakfast. It’s What’s For Dinner.

  1. Erika, Here is a cudghi link:

    I have never used it. Maybe I should now…

  2. Do you do your french toast on a griddle or baked like a casserole? We do ours like you (milk, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon but no salt or pepper) and let the pieces of bread soak and then cook on a griddle. Homemade bread is the best!

  3. Thanks Mimi, I’ll pass that on to my friends.

    Claire, I throw these ones ona griddle. I didn’t use to add the salt and pepper, but now I add just a pinch of each, and it really makes a difference. I also have a baked french toast- but that’s more like a casserole/bread pudding than what I consider french toast.

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