There is a benefit of being broke and not having extra money to go spend on crazy things. You rediscover the simple pleasures that have been set aside.The Kitchen at Tummy Treasure is taking a break this weekend. I’ll be back on Monday with some British inspired comfort food, and next week, a blast from the past that combines a soda with cake.

2 thoughts on “A Weekend Off

  1. Ah, looks like you plan to do some cross stitch or embroidery. Have fun. I haven’t done it in years!!!

  2. Yes anonymous, cross-stitch it is. I love doing it, but don’t pull it out very often. I’ve been working on a train sampler for Zander and I’m really enjoying doing it again. I’ve got a whole slew of projects in mind once this one is done, so we’ll see if I keep up the momentum.

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