I spent a lot of this morning catching up on some housework and getting my church cleaning done for the week. The whole time I felt the urge to bake something, but forced myself to do my “chores” first. Of course, by the time I was finished, the urge to EAT something baked was there, but not so much the urge to do a lot of baking. I picked up my box of Heart Smart Bisquick and determined that I needed to do something with that. I had been thinking of muffins specifically, so I headed to the internet to do a search, but ultimately, ended up with my own adaptation.

Quick Applesauce Muffins turned out okay. They are not my best muffin, nor are they my favorite. But they have a nice apple-cinnamon flavor to them, and the almonds and cinnamon add a nice crunch to each bite. The inside is not as moist as I would have liked, but overall, they’re not bad. Considering that these took mere seconds to whip up, and mere minutes to bake up- they’re not bad at all. They took less than 20 minutes total before I had a pan of piping hot muffins out of the oven. And like I said, while they’re not my favorite, they turned out better than expected, and at 20 minutes start to finish… these might just get repeated from time to time.

3 thoughts on “An After School Snack

  1. LOL…sometimes when you’ve gotta eat sweets you’ve gotta eat them, no matter what your brain says otherwise…

  2. hehe- absolutely! I’m not so sure it’s a good thing though for sweets to come out so quickly.

  3. These look yummy! I like to use applesauce in place of oil in boxed brownie mixes. Most of them, especially if you use something like Ghriadeli, you can’t tell the difference. I’ll have to mark these muffins adn try them sometime soon!

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