The other day I was visiting a blog that I really enjoy. The Chocolate Gourmand is a newer blog to me, and it couldn’t be more up my alley. Brian makes his own candies and chocolates, and given the time of year, he’s into all sorts of ice creams and sorbets. The last recipe for mango sorbet did me in, and I determined that I really needed to get out my ice cream maker and try my hand at sorbet. I asked Brian how he thought cantaloupe would fare because I had a cut up cantaloupe that really was a little too ripe for eating, so it was either use it or toss it. Brian hasn’t tried a melon sorbet yet, so I decided to give it a whirl.

A quick search didn’t bring up too many recipes. I ended up reading through other sorbet recipes and came up with my own, which I have to say, is pretty darn good. And while I kept my sorbet alcohol free, I have to tell you, this would be a perfect foil for an adult dessert laced with a liqueur of some kind. I was thinking a midori for added melon flavor, or a good spiced rum for a different version. Either way it would work really well. The cantaloupe really shines with the addition of lime juice and the pinch of salt really brings everything together-don’t skip it. The mango was probably a little superfluous, and you could do without, I just happened to have an over-ripe one in the fridge and decided to add it in. The combination of cantaloupe, mango, and lime juice gave the sorbet an almost tropical flavor, and it really is the perfect dessert for when you don’t want something heavy.

The best part? I now know how to make a sorbet, and it was crazy-easy. So thanks Brian for the inspiration! And if you haven’t checked out the Chocolate Gourmand before- you really should, his step by step photography makes everything look easy. (He really should go into the confectionary business!) I have the recipe for Mango-Melon Sorbet in the Recipe Trove, and it’s my first ice cream/frozen dessert entry in over two years! I’ll have to work on that I think. A gelato is seriously calling my name, so if I get into town to pick up some organic milk, I may do that later today or tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Mango-Melon Sorbet

  1. Hi Erika. Wow, this looks great! I think elicate fruits like cantaloupe can be a challenge with sorbets, but sounds like you’ve done a great job *and* given me an excuse to go out and buy some midori. And sorbets are even fat free!

    I kind of feeling guilty for just making sorbets, ice creams and cookies last couple months. I was going to make some chocolates the other day since I have some new molds (and molds are new to me) and 7 pounds of chocolate begging to be eaten. but the weather out here has been in the 90s, so I made a cinnamon latte ice cream from Ice Cream Ireland that was amazingly rich.

    Thanks so much for the kind words. Did the monkey bars ever get put up?

  2. Well, sorbets are fat free until you add the midori. Then I suspect they aren’t as good for you. 🙂

    Oh dear…cinnamon ice cream has to tie for my favorite flavor (a good banana being the other). I will be by shortly to check that one out.

    The monkey bars are on schedule for this weekend provided the weather cooperates.

    Have fun with the molded chocolate- I tried molds for my truffles this past year, and while they don’t have that hand-made look, they sure are easy to do en masse. I found the trick is to make sure the chocolate is in temper so the chocolate gets that awesome shiny gloss. I love the molds- I’m planning on getting more this year.

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