A quick post today! I just had to share this little tidbit this morning. You’ll remember a few months ago I made homemade pita bread. Well, I finally got around to trying a whole wheat version and it was fantastic. I don’t think the process was any different than with the white flours, except that I did let it rise longer. Oddly enough, the whole wheat actually produced much cleaner pockets as well. My only problem with them was that the pockets were thin, meaning cutting the pita into halves and stuffing them really wasn’t an option, the thinness on one side wouldn’t hold anything. I had one split perfectly, but I think part of that was because I cut into it while it was warm, saw the beginning of a pocket and used a knife to finish it. Maybe that’s the secret?

Anyway. The whole wheat version is the same as the white version, only I subbed in half whole wheat-regular red whole wheat flour. So it was 1 1/2 cups whole wheat, 1 1/2 cups bread flour. Using bread flour I think was key with the whole wheat as it gave some texture to the pitas. Definitely worth making on your won, Whole wheat pita bread is fantastic.

2 thoughts on “Whole Wheat Pita Bread

  1. so glad you enjoyed making it whole wheat. I recently got the whole wheat baking book. The recipes are so much fun. I wish I wanted to cook.

  2. ((Chrispy))

    The urge will come back eventually. I’m sure it doesn’t help that it’s the time of year (for me at least) to not cook as much. I have really had to force myself to cook quite a bit as of late.

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