I feel decadent this morning. The kids slept in, I slept in, and now I’m sitting at the computer while they munch on cereal, play video games, and plan their day together. I have laundry in the washer to hang up, but otherwise, our time is our own. I have something important to do on Friday, but other than that, our week is available to us, and we haven’t had that in a long while. I love summer vacation!!!!

The reason we’ve been so busy these past few weeks is because of a culmination of a couple of things. First it was the end of school, so we had the usual end-of-school festivities and events. Secondly, I’ve ramped up my involvement in a couple of things at church, and of course ended up being busy with that a lot the last few weeks- now I’ve settled in, so no more super busy there. And thirdly, we had Abigail’s dance recital, which turned out to be quite the event. This last week there was a lot of running around as we had pictures and dress rehearsal and then the recital itself. Plus, in the middle of all that, we had a severe weather event, and events at the school where the recital was being held was cancelled and pushed back a night. Andy had volunteered to help with the set-up for the recital, and because of the change of schedule ended up pulling an all-nighter to get the stage ready for the dancers. Andy had an insane amount of fun getting back to his theater roots to help out his daughter.

The recital itself went really well. We were so impressed with the professionalism, and we completely enjoyed the whole recital- not just watching our daughter dance, but all the other classes as well. The staffs concern for the safety of their dancers was amazing, and I suspect that sometime next week, the dance school may just find a large platter of cookies and brownies as a thank you. Here’s a picture of Abigail after her dance was over.She had a blast-we all had a good time, actually. It definitely was worth all the build-up, but then Sunday we all kind of crashed a bit. After church we didn’t do a whole lot, the kids played outside, but for the most part it was a quiet day as we all recuperated from a few weeks of business. This was the scene in our backyard late in the afternoon. Does that look familiar Mom?
Anyway, we’ve been busy, and tomorrow I’ll be back with something food related to share, and later this week, I’m pondering a blogging event, but need to figure out some details, so stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Ah…Summer Vacation

  1. I agree, summer vacation is THE BEST! Since I’m getting close to retirement age, I keep wondering, could it be this wonderful if you stayed home all the time.

    Fun seeing the kids!

  2. Kalyn it certainly is just as wonderful while being home all the time. It’s just such a special time of the year, I relish each and every drop of summer that we get.

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