Okay Tummy Treasure fans, it’s time to come out of lurkdom and tell me how you top your burgers. What is your favorite way to top your hamburger? Simple ketchup and mustard? Caramelized onions? Or do you prefer a more upscale treatment? Next week I have an unusual opportunity and I need the best… not the best burger, but the best burger toppers. I have something in mind already, but I’m curious as to what other people think of when they think of topping a burger.

Let me know! How would you top your ultimate burger?

8 thoughts on “Come out of lurkdom!

  1. My normal treatment for burgers is just simple with lettuce, tomatoes and mustard. Though occasionally I’ll make myself a mushroom swiss topping with caramelized onions, sauteed mushrooms and swiss cheese. Not much help to you but we’re kind of plain and simple most of the time.

  2. Check out my blog – I just made a killer green chili sauce that we had on top of hamburgers. It was delicious!

  3. I love to top my burgers with avacado, swiss or mozzarella cheese, and the usual toppings or salsa. I also like some sauteed onions, cheese, lettuce, thousand island dressing, and for a little kick some pepper sauce.

    Now I am definately going to have some hamburgers for dinner – thanks for helping me decide.

  4. I like all the usual toppings, but once in awhile, for something just a little different, I’ll add a slice or two of thin-sliced deli ham. It’s really good! When I add onion, I prefer taking a Vidalia, putting it in a microwave with a little butter and beef bullion and cooking until tender. That tastes great on a burger or all by itself. Then a little mozzarella or provolone and I’m good to go. Just found your blog and am really enjoying it.

  5. Not exotic, but I love melted cheddar cheese, guacamole, roasted green chilis, and pico de gallo. Yummmmm…..

  6. Typically cheese – either sharp cheddar or pepper jack, lettuce and when I have time balsamic carmelized onions. When we do the onions my husband also tops with pepper bacon. We had these burgers once on vacation and loved them. I ran home and tried to duplicate the balsamic onions. Absolutely wonderful.

  7. Tammy, we’re usually plain and simple too.

    Deborah, that sauce looks amazing!

    Carey- avocado! I love guacomole on a burger

    nan, thanks for stopping by. In my world adding a piece of pork ALWAYS is beneficial to a burger.

    Michelle, I can TASTE that burger- melted cheese, chili’s, guacomole, mmmmm.

    Anonymous, balsamic sounds like an excellent addition!

    Thanks everyone for sharing! I’m still torn, and I promise I’ll share the reasons for this early next week.

  8. Well, I top grilled mushrooms with some shredded extra sharp cheddar. I generally marinate my mushrooms in a little bit of olive oil and crushed garlic. I will brush the insides with some of the marinade just before they are done and add the shredded cheese inside the mushroom. But some caramelized onions sound good. I may have to try this this weekend.

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