Where did summer go? How is it that we are already at the threshold of the last weekend of summer, and the school year is knocking? Wow. I’m a little bummed. We’ve had a very nice summer, combining busy-ness with lazyness and the kids have been playing together rather remarkably. I swear that just yesterday I was looking at the calendar and thinking that I had a whole yet before school started.

Ah, well. To celebrate the last weekend of summer we’re off for a short weekend away to the Twin Cities and the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. (Warning- the link takes a little while to load- even with high speed.) I went to Renfest three years ago with my brother and his wife while Andy was working out of town, and ever since then I’ve wanted to go back. I love the ambiance and the fact that you’re spending a day in a completely different time. And, lucky for Andy, the weekend we’re able to go is also the Royal Ale Fest. I hope he’s not disappointed…

No recipe to share today, although I do have a rather decadent cake sitting on the counter. But it hasn’t been tasted yet and needs to make the 4 1/2 hour drive to the cities before it does get tasted. I am also happy to report that the pear pies I made a week ago and froze survived freezing wonderfully. In fact, the crust has never been better. I pulled the pie out of the freezer and put it into a cold oven, then I turned the oven on to 350. Since I froze the pie directly in my pyrex plate, I didn’t want to cause the plate to explode-hence the cold oven entry. I baked the pie for about an hour at 350- covered with foil. Then I turned the oven down to 200 for another hour. The filling did get a little mushy- but I swear my pie crust has never been better. I can’t wait to try this with other pies.

Well, happy Labor Day weekend everyone! I should be back posting away on Monday morning. In the meantime, in honor of World Blog Day, spend some time checking out a blog you haven’t before from my sidebar. They wouldn’t be there if I didn’t think they had something.

2 thoughts on “One Last Hurrah!

  1. Oh… Oh… *waves hand wildly in the air* take me take me! I’ve even got a couple coupons for B1G1 free tickets at the door!

  2. You should go Joe! So fun, and I swear the food got better in the last few years too. I’ll have a post up soon about it.

    We’re planning to go again next year. Wouldn’t it be fun to do some sort of blog-outing-klatch type of thing? Something to think about…

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