Well, she’s there. Day one of second grade has begun. Long time readers will remember that last year Abigail was in a class with no one she knew from kindergarten- so she was a little worried this morning. What a wonderful thing to walk up to her new teacher’s line and see a good friend from kindergarten. I think little Katie was just as excited to see Abigail as Abigail was to see her. So of course, finding the line and her friend, Zander and I were summarily dismissed and on our way back home. Upon our arrival Zander asked to watch Nick Jr. and since the walk to school was such hard work, could he please have a Popsicle? So far the first day of school couldn’t be better.

I have a recipe for a decadent carrot cake to share tomorrow, but I thought that today I would take a minute to share some more links to other blogs that I’ve recently discovered. There are so many out there, but every once in a while, one catches my eye and is worth checking out from time to time.

The first blog I want to share is one where I received one of the nicest compliments about my blog. Steve over at sullicom is a new blogger, but he has a very pleasant voice to read. He is very passionate about his family and food- especially BBQ and hot sauce. I love the thought he puts into his posts and I’m looking forward to watching him develop over time.

Then there’s Veronica’s Test Kitchen. A member of The Daring Bakers, I love the thought and the photos in Veronica’s blog. Talk about some mouth-watering photos and descriptions. Right now she’s featuring a recipe for swami- if you don’t know what that is you have the perfect excuse to go check her out.

I’ve also been enjoying Erielle’s humor over at Fancy Toast. She’s got a great sense of humor and her cooking looks delectable as well. Coconut Braised Short Ribs anyone? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

And finally today is the blog Milk and Cookies. JenJen hails from Sydney, and is busy celebrating the return of spring over there. The photography and Milk and Cookies is really something special- and so are the recipes. Lavender Shortbread? Maple Creme Flan?

Well, I have a son who wants some attention, and I must come up with a little something for an after school snack today. Tomorrow I’ll be back with that cake.

2 thoughts on “The First Day of School!

  1. Erika – thanks for the compliment. Good luck with the kids in the new school year. BTW, I love the name Zander. You can probably tell from my own posts that I’m a bit of a name geek!


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