Last night was breakfast for dinner at our house. Every time we have breakfast for dinner, we all say that we don’t do it enough. Why is that? I know for us, my kids are not nuts about eggs, so making dishes like quiche or strata for dinner would result in hungry munchkins. But there are so many other options! Breakfast is usually hearty, comforting, and all-around delicious fare, and it doesn’t get enough star treatment around here, that’s for sure.

So next week, all week long on Tummy Treasure, I will be featuring breakfast recipes. And here is where you come in. Each day I will post my breakfast recipe, followed by whatever you would like to submit. If you are a blogger it can be a new post, specifically for Breakfast Week, or it can be an old archived post. Either way, send me your links to tummytreasureATgmailDOTcom, any time between now and October 13. As the links come in, I’ll be posting a daily round-up, and hopefully by week’s end we’ll have quite the compendium of delicious breakfast favorites. If you are not a blogger, you can participate too by e-mailing me your recipe to tummytreasureATgmailDOTcom, which I will then put on my own site.

How you define breakfast is completely up to you. Is it a bowl of oatmeal? Or maybe you prefer biscuits and gravy, or my personal favorite, a bowl of cheesy grits with a fried egg on top. Yogurt parfaits count here too, as well as a bowl of luscious fruit salad- maybe even that bowl of fruit crisp leftover from last night’s party. In that vein, I suppose we ought to count in those slices of leftover pizza from the college days as well, but only if you have a recipe for it. I can’t wait to see what everyone has to contribute.

To give you a small taste of what you’ll see next week, be sure and check out this week’s article at Kids Cuisine. How something so simple and basic could be so good…check it out, you’ll love it.

2 thoughts on “Next Week Is Breakfast Week!

  1. Oh, I love breakfast but very rarely get to cook it. I’m looking forward to all the ideas next week and maybe I’ll start doing breakfast for dinner one night a week. Thanks for all the ideas!

  2. Breakfast can be so quick and easy too Robyn! And if you make something like quiche, lefrovers hold in the fridge for a few days for a good breakfast too.

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