We all have them. We carefully plan what we’ll be making for dinner. We make sure we have all the necessary ingredients on hand, check the recipes a few times, and wait for the clock to tell us it’s time to prepare dinner. By the time you start cooking, you’re literally dreaming about that pot of soup and the bread sticks to dunk in it. You’re daydreaming about watching your husband swoon with each spoonful, and watching your children dunk their bread sticks with delight.

Sadly, it was not to be. Don’t ask what happened, please don’t, because I truly cannot tell you. Suffice it to say, the baked potato soup which we all know and love had something amiss about it tonight. I swear, it was like eating paste, and just not good. And the bread sticks! I must have completely lost count of the cups of flour, because they tasted like water. Sprinkled with sesame seeds. Doesn’t that just sound…yummy… lucky for Andy, he ate after the kids and I, so I did take the time to add a whole lot more seasoning, but it still didn’t help much, in my opinion.

And to think I was just going to take the afternoon to relax and make pancakes for dinner. Hopefully tonight’s meatloaf will fare a bit better, although I’ll be rethinking the mashed potatoes…after last night’s potato paste, I just don’t know if I can find it in me…

In other things, I realized yesterday that I forgot to share our big news! Andy has a new job! He’s taken a job with a company that does year-round work, which is fantastic for us! There’s loads of opportunity for him as well, so we’re looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for him with work. Today is his first day, actually, so I can’t wait to hear how the first day went at the end of the day.

6 thoughts on “One of Those Days…

  1. OH I am SOOOO excited for you! What a blessing…you have been so patient and wise with what you’ve been give. YAY!

  2. Thanks everyone! We’re excited. This new position is a serious pay cut for us for now, so we’re a little nervous about that, but promises have been made, and the end result should be well worth it. Mostly right now we’re just excited about the year-round work part. 🙂 He hasn’t had that in…about six years.

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