I get the keys to our new house on Wednesday!!!!!! At 4:00pm central time, I get my new place!!! I cannot wait! I was supposed to get the keys next Monday- and it has been almost painful waiting- but things have come up and we get to move in sooner! Yippee!! To anyone who might read this, I am going to try and have the phone transferred ASAP. I also have my cell- so if you need to get ahold of me, you can call me on that. If you are reading this and you need my cell #- please e-mail me and I will either call you or e-mail you back. I’m not comfy putting my number here on the blog.

SO this will be fun! Now I can stop the actual packing process, and just start moving stuff over. How can you beat that. I just hope that my sister Rachel is getting her place! She is supposed to move in on Wednesday, and I pray for her that she is working everything out and will be able to. It is so exciting to move out into your own apartment- I would hate for her first attempt to go sour. Follow your heart’s desire Rachie!

I’ll post more soon- in the meantime, there is cleaning to do!!!!

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