So I have decided that a new home needs to be christened by a batch of cookies. There is nothing like the yummy smell of baking crispiness and chocolate to make a home smell like a home. So tonight I am taking the cookie dough for Mocha Truffle Cookies- because I could also use a chocolate fix. 🙂 I have posted the recipe before- so check out my archives if you want to see it again. Super simple cookies- with melt in your mouth goodness. Yummy. Today is going to be a long day- waiting until 4:00pm tonight. And of course, the kids were up rediculously early, and are immensely crabby. Hooray for me. This morning we are going to go take care of our weekly church cleaning, and then after that…? I’m not sure. There will be a nap involved for Zander, and probably some Nintendo for Abigail. I dunno- maybe I will finish painting the kitchen today. Andy and I worked on it last weekend- and made good progress. We still have to do the backsplash though and behind the fridge. Andy promised he’d do it next weekend, but with getting the house earlier, I want him to be able to use the weekend putting in the necessary shelving in the pantry, closets, and basement. So I will likely finish his work here for him.

So for Zander’s bedroom we are going with a transportation theme. Anyone who knows my son knows how much he loves cars, trucks, boats, and most imprtantly- the choo-choo. I think I am set on painting his room green and blue. The bottom half of the wall will be green- top half blue. I would like to find a border to put bewteen, so that I don’t have to make the line precise, so that will be a search. Abigail’s bedroom we are unsure with yet. Somehow we have to incorporate her treehouse bed, so I had been thinking of doing “The Enchanted Forest” for her. That way we can doll it up with animals, fairies, stars, rainbows, etc. All kinds of fun things. What I’m not sure on is color. I’m leaning towards a purple. Enchanted Forest screams unicorns to me- and unicorns must have purple (it is a rule!). I recently saw a wall treatment where the homeowner took sticky back vinyl and cut out grasses and reeds to make a meadow on a wall. I was thinking that if I could find the vinyl, I might be able to do a similar thing with some trees and clouds. I dunno. first I have to talk Abigail into going to Home Depot to look at paint- and talk her out of whatever her first choice is. 🙂

I hope everyone has a nice day!

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