Pretty fun looking huh? I have been pining for this wok for a long time. Steamed Dumplings anyone? To go with this gorgeous piece of kitchen equipment, a very nice cookbook that has me drooling for some Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and Indian, as well as all the other cuisines well-represented. I just need to figure out what to make first…

And then some pictures of the kids. Abigail discovered Guitar Hero this past weekend. She did very well, and really enjoyed it. She reminded me a lot of the kids in the band on School of Rock. Very cute, and fun to watch.Here’s Zander having a snack break with cousin Kara.

I promise I’ll be back soon posting some real food and some real stuff. I just need to get back into the groove is all. 🙂

3 thoughts on “What to Cook, What to Cook…?

  1. I checking it just because I knew there would be cute pictures! Abigail looks like she’s concentrating quite hard! Pretty soon, she’ll be an expert. And Zander and his cousin…so cute! That dumpling thing is pretty neat. I think I may pick up some rice paper so that I can make Vietnamese spring rolls…I LOVE those things!

  2. Thanks for sharing your family! Hey, take a few days break…you have been giving us great recipes & ideas non-stop:)

  3. Mmm. Spring rolls. 🙂 The first stir fry was a little lacking tonight. I just need to figure out the timing and a couple other things I think.

    Thanks Jep! That’s very sweet of you to say.

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