This is a new year. It’s a great time to start over and re-focus and maybe try something new. For many, it’s a great time to refocus their eating habits and perhaps lose an extra pound or two. That is fantastic- there really isn’t a better time to do so, the new year is all about fresh starts and new beginnings. It just drives me a little batty that when someone mentions “I’m going on a diet” or “I’m watching what I eat to lose a few pounds”, that hoards of people jump on that person and say “diets don’t work” or “don’t try reducing sugar- it doesn’t work.” Or “The key to good health is exercise, not watching what you eat.” What is that? Way to be supportive and encouraging people. Come on.

I’ve seen this at least half-a-dozen times today already in different places online. And while I will be the first to say that a “diet” per se isn’t the answer for me, it may very well be the answer for others. Maybe more people should make the resolution to be nice and supportive, not condescending and all-knowing. Just saying is all.

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