Last night’s dinner was a recipe that has been on my radar for…well, at least 3 years. It originally was featured in Everyday Food magazine, but was brought to my attention, and adapted by a gentleman on the CLBB. I know I’ve mentioned Bob before on this blog- he is responsible for my Cranberry Chutney, the Lentil and Potato Stew we love, among many other fabulous recipe. And I daresay he is at least partially to blame for my love of beans. This particular recipe has been in my Mastercook program for 3 years now, and I am so glad we finally got around to trying it.

I was going through my files, looking for recipes that used a lot of on-hand ingredients. When I got to the enchiladas, I realized I would need only a jalapeno, everything else I had on hand. I also would need corn tortillas, but if I didn’t get anywhere to pick those up, I could always make my own. I put them on the menu plan for the week, and yesterday I decided it was enchilada day.

Black Bean Enchiladas with Spicy Pumpkin Sauce came together easily enough. It did dirty up both the blender and the food processor, but since they take 30 minutes to bake, I had plenty of time to wash them up before dinner. First of all, let me tell you, I loved the filling. I didn’t quite use it all for the enchiladas, and Andy and I sat and scraped the bowl clean with tortilla chips and decided that it would make an excellent bean dip with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of cilantro added. The black beans, sour cream, and chipotle created magic together, and I just knew the enchiladas were going to be good. The sauce itself came together just as quickly with the push of a blender button, and before we knew it, we were waiting anxiously for our first bite of enchilada.

We were not disappointed. The enchiladas really melded together, and the pumpkin sauce was the perfect accompaniment to the black bean filling. The corn tortillas themselves were pronounced in flavor, and I really don’t think flour tortillas would be used to good effect here. Our only problem was that they packed some heat. Certainly not enough to bother the grown-ups at the table, it was a pleasant heat. But it was definitely too much for the little palates. That was a shame, because Abigail liked the flavor of the enchiladas, she took two bites, but couldn’t take anymore. Once Zander heard they “made Abigail’s tongue spicy”, the game was over for him, he wouldn’t even try them. Next time though, I will make a few without the chipotle chili in the filling and they will be just fine. There will be a next time. These are completely vegetarian, yet you’d never know. They were very filling and satisfying, and no meat was necessary.

Black Bean Enchiladas with Spicy Pumpkin Sauce
a recipe adapted from Every Food magazine by Bob on the CLBB

Serving Size : 4

1 can pumpkin puree — (15 ounce)
2 1/2 cups water
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 garlic cloves — peeled and coarsely chopped
1 jalapeno — quartered, seeds removed, if desired
1 tsp. chili powder
8 corn tortillas (6 inch)
2 cups black beans, cooked — or canned, well drained and rinsed
1/2 cup light sour cream
1 chipotle chile canned in adobo — chopped
2 scallions — chopped
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 425.

In a blender, puree pumpkin, water, salt, pepper, garlic, jalapeno, and chili powder until smooth. (Hold blender top firmly as blender will be quite full.) Pour 1 cup of the sauce into the bottom of an 8 inch square or other shallow baking dish.

In a food processor, combine 1 cup of the black beans, sour cream, and chipotle chili. Pulse until well pureed. Stir in remaining cup of black beans and scallions.

One at a time, dip tortillas in simmering water to soften (don’t let tortillas sit in water). Roll tortillas with filling; mound on half of the tortilla and roll up; place seam side down in baking dish.

Pour remaining sauce on top; sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a 425ยบ oven until cheese is golden and sauce is bubbling, 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool five minutes before serving.

4 thoughts on “A Dish Worthy of a Wow

  1. As a vegetarian, this is my kind of good eats! There is also some serious nutrition going on in there—pumpkin, black beans, corn tortillas & cheese! A winner—thanks Erika! Fits my budget, too.

  2. Seriously DELICIOUS nutrition. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    We’ll be having the leftovers for lunch tomorrow, I’m looking forward to it.

  3. Wow that picture looks good. I don’t think I would ever have considered pumpkin sauce on an enchilada.


  4. Steve, that’s why it took me so long to try it, I think. Pumpkin? Black beans? Normally I prefer my pumpkin sweet- in pie or in a lightly sweetened puree. Lately though I’ve discovered that it is excellent in other applications. My eyes have been opened!

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