Today I was able to unpack my cookbooks. It is officially a home now. 🙂 Of course, having a pantry, my cookbook shelves no longer are needed to hold actual “stuff” so the shelves are looking a little bare. I must do something about that. 😉
I did get 2 new cookbooks in the mail yesterday. I got The Ultimate Muffin Book by Bruce Weinstein and Fresh Every Day by Sara Foster. Both look to be promising books- both on the reading side and the cooking side. I am also excited to learn that Foster’s Market is actually in the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. That just cements the idea that we really need to go visit Andy’s brother sometime. Probably not anytime soon though…

I also apologize for the lack of posting I imagine to be coming up this week. Our cable gets transferred sometime on Friday- so I will likely not move the computer until then. The problem is going to be that the computer nook is not cable ready- so Andy will have to look into that.

And on a personal note- Mom Waz, if you are checking in here- could you send me an e-mail? I’ve sent you several in the last 2 weeks, and the last couple have gotten returned. I just want to make sure my computer is behaving. (And make sure I have the right e-mail address). I’m sure we’ll talk soon!

2 thoughts on “And now it’s a home!

  1. *cheers*

    how are the kids taking it? have they found anything exciting yet? 🙂

  2. Hey there sir! The kids are loving it! Of course, today I started the purple on her wall- she is loving that. We will all be happy when we are done though. Maybe Wed or Thurs we will pump up the airbeds and spend the night there anyways.

    What’s a strumiker anyway? 😉

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