Hooray! I’m back! We had a horrible snafu with the cable company and moving. Somehow they never got my change address order, and of course didn’t have any open appointments for a week. So I spent an entire week without my computer- and without TV. The only thing we could get working was the DVD player- so at least that was something.

I did not realize how attached I was to my blog. 🙂 Every day I was itching to get on. Hmmm Let’s see. In the last week we have moved, celebrated two birthdays, and I have been busy in the kitchen. I am a happy person. In fact, today I canned a double batch of sweet pickle relish. Yum. I added some hot peppers to a few jars too- I’m looking forward to seeing how that turns out. I also made my first pumpkin today. I know. I always associated pumpkin with bread and pie- and never equalized it with squash (which it actually is) . Today at the farmstand, Abigail wanted to get some little pie pumpkins- and it was her idea to make pie with them. Hmmm. I’ve never made pie with fresh pumpkin. I’ve never made fresh pumpkin. Pumpkin comes out of cans in my world- or they are used for decorative purposes. Boy, was I missing something. I took two pie pumpkins and split them in half. Then I roasted them at 375 for about an hour, and scraped them out. That’s it. I made it sure it was nice and smooth and smushy, and let it cool to make pie. I gotta tell you, that pumpkin is delicious. I still have a small bowl of it sitting on the counter- and I keep strolling over and eating spoonfuls of it- as is. No sugar, so salt, so butter. Plain. I am going to have to get more pumpkins. The pie will be out of the oven soon, and I’m looking forward to THAT! I tried a new crust today, so I will wait to post the recipe until I am sure it is a good pie. 🙂

1 thought on “Yeah me!

  1. A new post! I checked it earlier today and there was nothing, but here you are! Twice in a row! 🙂

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