Seriously folks.  Landscaping is a tough gig.  I decided this morning, despite the mountain of things beckoning my attention, that I needed to give the front yard a makeover.  We’ve been slowly working on the area around our front porch over the last few years, and I just got sick of it.  I was tired of looking at dried up dirt and plants that weren’t quite making it.  And I was especially tired of seeing all the weeds pop up where they didn’t belong, and that grass just likes to creep so… My poor clematis needed a new trellis, and well, before I knew it I had decided to tear it all apart and give it some attention.

I really, really wish I had taken before and after photos, because while these photos are nice, they really don’t tell the story that can explain why I’m feeling so freaking tired right now.

And as you can see, I was one bag short on the mulch.  I had put my hands on that fourth bag and decided that three was enough, of course.  I had to spread it kinda thin to get it to cover as much as it did, so on our way to ballet tonight I’ll be picking up that fourth bag and repairing my error.  I think I like it.  The only thing missing is an edging of some kind, but I really wasn’t happy with the options, so I’ll be keeping an eye out for something I like.  But don’t ever let anyone tell you that landscaping is a piece of cake.  It’s a whole lot of work.

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