You know what I love about strawberries in Wisconsin?  There are different varieties!  And different varieties mean that you can go from patch to patch for some time, because no two patches seem to be ripe and ready at the same time.  Two weeks ago we went and picked the first early berries.  Small and tart, these ones were quickly eaten out of hand, used in baked goods, and used to top breakfasts.  Now two weeks later, we’re picking the later berries- larger and sweeter and perfect for making jam.  They also are perfect for freezing whole and sugaring and freezing for topping shortcakes in the dead of winter.  Yesterday the kids and I went to a new-to-us patch thanks to a tip from a friend. It took us no time at all to fill two large flats with bright red berries- so ripe they were almost purple, and bursting with juice.

After arriving home, Abigail set right to work helping me slice and crush berries for the first of four batches of jam we would end up making.  All told we ended up with 15 pints of strawberry jam, and 10 half-pints of strawberry-peach jam.  And that only took care of one of the flats!  We also now have 8 quarts of whole berries in the freezer, as well as a quart of sugared berries.  The remaining two quarts or so of berries are in the fridge, as my son was very concerned that I was using all the strawberries and not saving him any.  Not to worry though, despite the busy week we’ve succumbed to total madness and are out doing it again this morning!  How could I not? I think today though while I’m at the berry patch I’ll also be placing an order for blueberries.  Our growing season started late this year- hence the late timing of the strawberries, but now that it’s started it’s fast and furious, with one season right on top of each other.  All of the blueberry patches seem to be advertising now, so they’re expecting a great crop this year.  I can’t wait.  And word is that the peaches are officially coming in as well- the first peach trucks from Georgia will be in the area next week, and I’m debating a case or two for freezing and jamming.

I may need to research a second stand-alone freezer. 🙂

2 thoughts on “We Be Jammin!

  1. Wow . . . this is seriously impressive! I wish I had as much confidence in jamming as you do. I always get nervous I’m going to poison everyone. You’ve got my mouth watering though, maybe I’ll try it with the blackberries this year.

  2. Lia, go get yourself a box of Sure-Jel or Certo or Ball Pectin and follow the directions inside. It’s foolproof- and easy. 🙂 After a few times you get the hang of it, and then you don’t even have to think about it. Plus it’s totally worth it.

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