Today has been a nice day. After the hectic last few days, Andy and I mostly relaxed and didn’t do much. We went to church, watched a bit of football, I went to church this afternoon to do my weekly cleaning, and neither of us wanted to work too hard on dinner. So I picked up some tenderloin steaks and Andy grilled them up. We had some leftover potatoes from last night, and I roasted up some vegetables a la Fresh Every Day. It is the recipe I already posted- only I threw in some extra onion. We topped the tenderloins with that fabulous Irish blue cheese from yesterday, and added some of the onions from the roasted vegetables. Add to that a bottle of the award winning wine that Andy’s Dad made, and we had a great casual dinner. I have to give credit for dinner though to Miss Sweetnicks- her link is over on the right. She had a picture of smothered filet mignon- and it inspired our dinner. So thanks Sweetnicks! Oh- and thanks Dad Waz for the Baco Noir and Foch. Very nice- I will enjoy the bottle very much.

And for dessert I have a nice ooey-gooey brownie pudding cake hot out of the oven. In a few minutes I will whip the cream, and our evening will close with perfect goodness. So until tomorrow… 🙂

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