And that means that I have another article up at Kids Cuisine this week.  This week I talked a little about snacking while we’re camping.  We burn more calories camping than we do at home- so it’s important that our snacking be something that gives our body fuel-not just fills the tummy.  So what am I taking this year?  You’ll have to head over to Kids Cuisine to check out at least one of the things we’re taking with us. Talk about will-power to tuck those babies into the freezer untouched!

And speaking of camping and snacking- do any of my readers camp? What do you like to take to snack on? It seems that every year we end up with boring old granola bars and homemade cookies, because I just don’t feel inspired for much.  Cooler space is always limited- so things that I eat at home for a little boost, like yogurt or cheese and crackers, isn’t necessarily an option.  Any suggestions?

Have you been keeping up with the Garden Notes?  I’ve been busy over there! The other day I processed my first batch of kale for the freezer, and I’ve been finding all kinds of goodies all over the gardens! The tomatillos are looking especially gorgeous- those hanging lanterns are stunning to look at.  Later today I’ll be uploading a picture of my clematis.  I’ve been waiting for flowers on this one for two years now- and he’s finally healthy and yesterday I found the first flowers.  They’re very pretty and exactly what I’d hoped I’d find.

Later on today I have a few new recipes that I hope to churn out- whether I post them today or tomorrow remains to be seen… it’s going to be a busy couple of days as we get ready to head to the woods for a week.

3 thoughts on “It’s Wednesday

  1. We camp quite a bit. A lot of the camping we do is backpack/hike-in camping, so I have to be REALLY minimalistic about what we bring. My favorites this summer have been dried fruit (banana chips and a tropical mango/pineapple mix, in particular)and nuts – Blue Diamond makes these great vanilla bean almonds that I love. When we’re car camping, we do chips and salsa, and lots of homemade muffins and cookies, too. That bread you posted on Kids Cuisine looks great!

  2. Oh so sorry but I really don’t like camping! It makes me itch…not in an allergic way but a nervous about bugs way! I like the idea of it, but actually doing it I just can’t! Oh well!

  3. Wow Elisabeth! We’re certainly not that adventurous- we pack our van to the max. I hadn’t thought of chips-n-salsa, oddly enough, and that makes me think too of pita chips and hummus. Vanilla Bean almonds? Why have I not seen those!

    Claire! Really? No camping? I admit I’m not looking forward to the bugs this year- I expect the skeeters are going to ge extra friendly.

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