Today is a special day to Andy and I, as it marks the beginning of our tenth year as a married couple.  Yikes!  We’ve been married for nine years today and even more enchanted with each other than we’ve ever been.   We’ll be spending the weekend ahead in the Twin Cities celebrating by going to the Renaissance Festival and spending time with my little brother and his wife- who will also be celebrating nine years in December. (1999 was a very busy year!)

To celebrate our anniversary here on the blog, I thought it was about time that Tummy Treasure had a cookbook giveaway!  I recently received a new cookbook in the mail and I thought it would be a perfect way to celebrate an anniversary, because it’s all about sharing with the ones you love best.  Great Party Fondues by Peggy Fallon takes fondue far beyond the traditional cheese and chocolate fondue of the past.  Some of the recipes included are Thai-Flavored Shellfish Fondue, Peanut Butter Fondue and Carnitas Fondue to name a few.  And even better than the fact that this is a fondue cookbook?  This particular book isn’t even available yet! The scheduled released date is September 23rd, and you have a chance to receive a copy before anyone else can!

So all you need to do to enter the first ever cookbook giveaway on Tummy Treasure is leave a comment with this post telling me your favorite way to fondue.  Contest deadline will be Monday, September 15th at 8:00 am Central Standard Time.  The winner will be posted later Monday morning.  So come on and share! I can’t wait to hear how you fondue!

12 thoughts on “Celebrating An Anniversary With A Giveaway!

  1. I have never Fondued on my own. Meaning, I’ve never EVER prepared it. I guess I don’t really know how. But I’ll eat anything with cheese or chocolate included, so there. 🙂

    Happy Anniversary.

  2. I like chocolate fondue with cheesecake bites and/or cherries as the dippers.

    Hope you have a great anniversary and a continued happy marriage. 🙂

  3. I am ashamed to admit I have never fondued at home… but I would love to try. The best fondue experience for me was a lovely dessert buffet at a wedding. Wow was it delicious.

    Congratulations Erika (and dh of course)!! 🙂 Have fun at RenFest!!

  4. My family made fondue fairly often when I was growing up. Even though it is terrible for you, my favorite is the hot oil fondue with steak and shrimp. I love all of the great dipping sauces you serve beside it! I even have special fondue plates that have separate areas for each sauce!

  5. I love hot oil fondue with steak (my favourite dipping sauce is a curried mayonnaise).

    Happy anniversary!

  6. I love both chocolate fondue and things cooked in broth! However, the last fondue I had was at The Melting Pot in Tampa – haven’t done any on my own for quite some time!

  7. Growing up we had fondue fairly frequently and always for Christmas eve. My favorite is swiss cheese fondue, because it inspires the great memories of Christmas. But my favorite memory of fondue, was when my sister at 13 accidentally stuck the fork into her hand trying to spear a piece of meat:)

  8. How fun to read all these responses to fondue! Many of these ideas sound fantastic- I confess I’ve never tried a hot oil fonude. maybe it’s time to try one. It’s also really neat to see memories firmly planted around a fondue. The only fondue memory I have is of seeing the pot and forks in a particular cupboard growing up…I don’t remember ever actually seeing it in use.

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