I’ll readily admit that I’m not a big coupon clipper.  Every time I go on a saving spree, I consider the idea of coupon clipping.  One obstacle in my way is that I don’t get a Sunday paper to clip from.  I remedied that once with home delivery, but the subsequent coupon savings did not even pay for the paper.  The second obstacle in using coupons to save money is that I never see coupons for products I use.  Even the cleaning supplies and paper products I use seldom have coupons available, so attempting to do clipping is a waste of my time.  When I do clip, I tuck them in an envelope, take them with me, and then forget to use them.  Basically, my coupon clipping days consist of clipping coupons and then later on recycling them because they’ve expired.  A good use of resources isn’t it?

Lately though, the grocery store where I shop has gone coupon crazy in the store.  They actually take coupons for products they carry and attach them to the product- most recently I saved about 10 bucks just by picking up these products with coupons.  The last time, I needed salad dressing, and found that my preferred brand had a coupon for a free bag of salad.  I turned around and used that for some baby spinach which we always use, and I love that I got it for free.  The one drawback to my favorite grocery store is that they don’t take internet coupons.  That would save me from the newspaper problem, and I have found several sites that offer coupons.  But since my store doesn’t take them, I can’t use them.   And finding sites that are willing to mail you paper coupons are few and far between.

But there is one that was totally worth signing up for.  A few weeks back I saw someone mention that the Organic Valley website had some good coupons on it.  So I clicked over and was dismayed to find that they were coupons I could print off.  While I was there though, I clicked around and ended up signing up for their Farm Friends newsletter.

I hit the jackpot in the coupon lottery here, folks.   Yesterday in the mail I received my first newsletter, along with about 14 Organic Valley coupons for different products of theirs.  I love Organic Valley dairy products- and I love what their company stands for.   It’s probably silly to be excited about coupons, but I can assure you that we’ll probably use every single one.  Well, except maybe one, but only because it’s a product I’ve never seen.  If you check out the website, and your grocery store takes internet coupons, they do have downloadable coupons as well.  But I highly recommend signing up for the Farm Friends as well.  Their newsletter is chock full of fun information, a neat kids fun paper, delicious sounding recipes, and of course, a treasure trove of coupons.


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