I’ll tell you, we just can’t seem to get enough pizza in my house these days.  Seriously, Zander is asking for it pretty much every day, and it’s also been one of  the first things to pop into my mind as I make my menu plans for the week.  To show how truly sick we are, last Saturday we were at a birthday party where we ate pizza, and then later when we were deciding what to have for dinner, I wanted MORE pizza.  There must be something wrong with us.

So what’s one to do when the whole household is craving pizza, and you have a fridge full of leftovers that should be used up? Why, you throw those leftovers on pizza!   If you’ll recall, almost a month ago I made a to-die-for BBQ Chicken Pizza that Andy and I are still talking about.  More recently though, we had a dinner of tacos, and I had made a bit too much taco meat, and shredded a tad too much cheddar cheese, and well… (You do see where this is going, don’t you?)

Taco Pizza, the way it was meant to be made.  Once again, I don’t have a real recipe, more of a guideline. (Hey! I’m feeling like a pirate today!)  I started with my homemade pizza crust, and once again I used the bulk of it for a large family sized pizza, and the smaller portion I used to make a plain cheese pizza, because I knew Zander was not going to touch the taco pizza.  For the sauce, I thought back to the BBQ pizza and how the BBQ sauce and pizza sauced played together so nicely, and decided to take a similar route.  I used half a cup of mild taco sauce and half a cup of pizza sauce and mixed them together, and then spread them on the crust.  Next went a scant layer of Mozzarella cheese.

Then I took leftover taco meat and kind of dollopped it all over, followed by some sliced green onions, tomatoes, bell pepper and black olives. I grabbed the cheddar cheese, but before I sprinkled that on, I added a fine layer of more Mozzarella, and then something truly special, some crushed Fritos corn chips.  Finally, I capped the pizza off with the shredded cheddar and popped it in the oven.  Once baked and portioned, we topped our slices with some sour cream and dove right into another variation of pizza heaven.

Pizza.  It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch AND dinner these days.  How about you? How do you like your pizza these days?


2 thoughts on “What’s With All The Pizza Lately?

  1. That sounds wonderful, I’m going to have to make tacos just for the leftovers for the pizza. 😉

    Do you like your pizza cooking sheet – is it one of those with the holes? Do you like how it bakes the crust?

    Thanks for the great post.

  2. Hey Carey, I do like my pizza pan, but I found that I can’t stretch the dough actually on the pan. If I press down on it at all, the dough presses into the holes and then it’s a pain to get off the pan at serving time. So I roll out the dough on my counter and then flop it onto the pizza pan. It takes an extra step, but I do like the way the pan cooks my crust.

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