Zander loves his big wheel.  LOVES it! He rides that thing all over town when we go for walks, yelling woo-hoo the whole time.  A few days ago though, some friends dropped of a bike that wasn’t needed anymore, and Zander got his first look at a set of two-wheels.

He was nervous about it, that’s for sure.  But he sat on it while I held it up, we pushed him on it a little bit, and he was grinning the whole time. Strangely enough, we had an extra set of training wheels floating around the house that we have no idea where they came from, and Andy popped them on the bike.


In no time, Zander was turning circles on the driveway.


And yes, there’s no helmet there, thankyoufornoticing.  When we bought Abigail her first bike, oh, four years ago, we got all the safety gear, the elbow pads and the helmet, being concerned for safety and all that.  Well, here we are four years later, and she still hates the bike.  Doesn’t ride it, isn’t interested in riding it, and the helmet and bike sit and gather dust.  If Zander takes to riding his bike, then we’ll get the helmet.  And just maybe we’ll have to get a new one for Abigail because we’re hoping she won’t want to be outdone by her brother.


My baby just keeps growing.

1 thought on “My Little Man Gets A Set Of Wheels…

  1. Congratulations Zander…
    I remember my sons first set of wheels- he was so proud. I treasure the photos I have of his first ride.
    This brings back so many memories. Take lots of pictures and treasure each moment- it goes by too fast…my little one is already 15 and planning for his BIGGER set of wheels.
    Makes me nervous -wish he was still into his first set of wheels!

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