My supply of POM wonderful pomegranate juice is dwindling, and that means that I am going to have to buy some, and keep it always on hand.

If you read my weekly Kids Cuisine article, you’ve already seen this little treat, but I have to tell you, it is, by far, my favorite new summery drink.  I am not a big soda drinker, and not really a big juice drinker either.  Mostly I drink water, with some coffee and tea thrown in for their caffeine boost.  But this delightful combination of pomegranate juice and 7-Up is just the most refreshing thing on a warm afternoon.  Sierra Mist also works well, as I found out this past weekend, but I do prefer the 7-Up, as it lets the pomegranate juice really shine.

I simply take 1 can of 7-Up to 4 ounces of pomegranate juice.  Add a slice of lime, and I have the perfect beverage to sip while sitting on the patio reading a book.   Of course, you can make it in quantity and serve to a crowd, and I truly suspect that if you wanted an adult beverage, a splash of cranberry vodka would be heavenly.

So while I’ve been meaning to really hop out of the box and try something wonderful with the pomegranate juice, I love this drink so much, that I can’t bear to use the juice anywhere else.  But maybe, just maybe, there will be a pie on the horizons with that juice yet.  We’ll see… we’ll see if I can keep the juice out of the glass.

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