couscousCouscous is not something that I make super often, but it does tend to come out this time of year more than any other.  One reason I don’t make it so much is because the kids aren’t a huge fan.  It’s gotta be a texture thing, because the don’t like rice either, and the one time we tried millet they practically revolted.  So I think they just don’t like the mouth-feel of those tiny grains of pasta rolling around their tongues.  Yet I still try from time to time, and they always oblige with a bite or two, but that’s all they give me.

The other day, when I made that turkey breast, I decided to make up some couscous to go along with it.  I grabbed a box I had in the pantry and flipped it over to read the directions.  Bring water to a boil, add couscous, cook for 2 minutes, turn off the heat, let rest for 5 minutes, fluff with a fork and serve.  Easy and quick- one of the reasons I keep trying to work on the kids and their dislike of couscous.  This time though, I decided I wanted a slight fruity flavor, so I replaces 1/4 cup of the water called for with orange juice.  I also added 1/4 teaspoon of cumin and 1/4 teaspoon of ancho chile powder to the boiling liquid.   Once it came to a boil, I added my couscous and cooked it for the 2 minutes.  The I added 1/3 of a cup of golden raisins, and set the whole pan aside to rest for 5 minutes.  I fluffed it with a fork, and at the last minute, I added 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds as well.

The couscous was very tasty! Slightly fruity, slightly nutty, with a slight hint of heat from the chile powder.  Of course, the kids still didn’t care for it, but I thought it was great!  I love how versatile coucous is, and that you can really add just about anything to it, and it will turn out great.


For other recipes involving couscous, try my Couscous with Asparagus, Snow Peas and Radishes or Orange Scented Couscous with Almonds, Cilantro and Cucumber.  Both are delicious and easy to change up to suit your individual tastes.

2 thoughts on “Simple Fruited Couscous

  1. Your kids might like Israeli Couscous ….. don’t know if you’ve tried it before. The regular couscous is much finer, but the Israeli is larger so texture totally different.

    I will try the orange scented couscous recipe — sounds great.


  2. I love couscous as well because you can do so much with it. I once added raisens, pineapple, and I think it was red pepper and called it halloween couscous. The raisens looked almost black with the other ingredients. Had all the halloween colors. I like the juice added for some of the water and I’d like to try that orange scented one too.

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