Yesterday I raided my mom’s garden patch… and came home with a pile of rhubarb!


My first thought was to make a pie with it… except that it was Tuesday, which is dance night, and we don’t really have a big dinner.  My very next thought was jam.  I have plenty of strawberries yet from last year in the freezer, and as Abigail pointed out the other day, it’s almost time to pick them again, so the frozen ones must be used.

So Strawberry-rhubarb jam it was.  Even better, I had absolutely everything on hand to make it.  Rhubarb, strawberries, pectin, sugar, canning lids, jars, rings, etc.  So I measured and mixed and in the end, I have ten little half-pints of the first jam of the year.  It’s a little soft yet this morning, but that’s okay.  If it doesn’t jell up perfectly, it will be a lovely addition to pancakes and french toast.

I just used the recipe in the box of Certo, by the way.  Easy as pie, and so worth the trouble.

2 thoughts on “Hooray For Jam!

  1. I would love to have a patch of rhubard here. At the market we pay $2 a pound and you need a lot to make jams. I made mine with only sugar & rhubard and it was delicious.

  2. Wow, Helene, so many people around here have rhubarb that I can’t even imagine buying it!

    I do need to make a jam that is more just rhubarb though, I don’t think it comes out as much in this jam as I would like.

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