This morning the mail-person placed the July/August issue of Everyday Food in my mailbox.  From time to time, I really enjoy this magazine, but other times, the whole issue will not catch my interest at all.  This one though, is worth grabbing. The cover is “60 Days of Summer” and there are literally dozens of recipes that are making my mouth water.  There’s a whole tutorial on grilling vegetables- which ones need pre-cooking and which ones don’t.   There’s a segment on kebabs, and a segment on summery mixed drinks- all of which look very tasty to me! The high point though was definitely the segment called Salsas, Pickles and Relishes with a master recipe for Fast Homemade Pickles, which can be used with just about any vegetable.  I, for one, am dying to try it out.   The whole magazine wraps up with a series of delectable looking summer desserts.

I am smitten with this issue, and on the chance that you are not a subscriber, I just thought I’d share, and mention that this would be a great issue to pick up if you happen to see it while you’re out and about.

3 thoughts on “Magazine Alert!

  1. I am anxiously awaiting my copy! They seem to do summer issues much better than winter – which I find is the opposite of other food mags!

  2. Terri, I totally agree. Maybe it’s because in the summer, I like unpretentious food, and I don’t like twenty steps to get a simple pickle made. Everyday Food is indeed everyday, and their summer issue every year is one of the best.

    Susan, I think you’ll find it worth the purchase!

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