That means that we haven’t been home for a few days, and our home looks like the dumping ground it’s been for a few days.  It also means it’s time for some pictures of Abigail all decked out in dancing beauty.

For now you’ll have to settle with this photo of her ballet costume.  I completely spaced yesterday and I did not get a photo of her tap outfit and hair before she left.  Which is too bad because her hair was awesome straight out of the rollers.  But she did promise me that later today she’ll put on her costume to allow Mommy to take a picture or two.

The theme this year was In The Spotlight, and all the songs were from Broadway shows or well known movies.  For ballet, she did “I Feel Pretty.”


Okay, I’m back with the tap pictures.  Abigail really surprised us this year by really taking to the tap class.  She had a blast with it, and really improved on her abilities a lot.  Her song for tap was “Give My Regards To Broadway.”


4 thoughts on “Recital Weekend!

  1. Thanks Carolyn! I think she’s a little sad the excitement is over, at least until the Nutcracker in December.

  2. Oh…I love the tap outfit! She looks so “in character!” Such fun. I never took tap but LOVED ballet. I even took (for a whole month!) at a “professional” Russian ballet school when we lived in Kyrgyzstan…all until the teacher decided we should pay her what we would pay someone here! I’m glad that Abigail has found something she loves!

  3. Claire, I’ve been so surprised at how Abigail has taken to tap. She still enjoys ballet, and has aspirations of learning pointe, but I never would have thought she would enjoy tap so much.

    That would be very awesome to learn from “the real experts” in ballet!

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