Have you tried it?

Have you read of people making their homemade laundry detergent?  Have you been like me, you read of it, and you think to yourself that there is no way that homemade detergent actually works?  Or maybe, also like me, you see recipes that involve boiling soap flakes and end up making a pail of goo, that you’re relaly not interested in digging into?

A week ago I picked up the ingredients and made a batch of homemade powdered laundry detergent, and I cannot believe how well it works.  Andy’s work clothes are cleaner than they’ve been in a long time- and that says an awful lot about how well this detergent works. Curious?  Want to know more?  I posted about it last week over at A Piece Of Home.  I’ve been so geeked up about it, I just had to share it here and send my regular Tummy Treasure readers to check it out.  Honestly and truly, it works, and it works very very well.  Just two tablespoons of detergent cleans a whole load- it’s amazing, and it’s going to save me a ton of money in my  budget.

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