…Or… Why I Haven’t Been Blogging As Much Lately.

I’ve been blogging now for nearly four-and-a-half years.  When I think about all that has gone on in this time period, it’s simply amazing.  All I have to do is go back to my first posts and see where I’m talking about my kids and I can really see the changes that have happened.  Like my little man.  A week ago, we discovered that my 5 1/2 year old treasure has his first loose tooth.  A loose tooth! How the heck did he get old enough to begin losing teeth?  And my beautiful daughter… what can I say about her?  She turns nine on Thursday, and since I’ve started blogging we’ve gone through the first day of kindergarten, first tooth loss, and first dance recital.  It’s just crazy- and I am so, so happy that I decided to start blogging all those years ago, because it is incredibly fun to me to go back and read my blog and see just how far we’ve come, a virtual scrapbook if you will.

Over the past few months, I’m sure my regular readers have noticed that my blogging has scaled way back.   Changes are afoot for the Tummy Treasure household, and I’m simply trying to figure out where blogging is going to fit in with those changes.  I’ve been debating and scrutinizing each blog I write, trying to decide if any should be cut loose, or maybe I should simply merge a few together.  Yet while it still seems a good idea for the time being to keep all my topics in their separate homes, I just don’t know if I’ll have the time to give them all the attention they need.

Because time is becoming a precious commodity around here.  Over the last few months, when I haven’t been blogging I’ve been very busy researching and planning and shopping and preparing everything we need for the coming school year.  Research? Planning? Indeed.  As Abigail is preparing to enter fourth grade, and Zander is preparing to enter kindergarten, Mommy has been preparing for the task of educating said fourth grader and kindergartner.   This year, we’ve decided to join the ranks of homeschoolers across the globe and take on the responsibility of providing for our own children’s education.  A task that we’re all looking forward to, and a task that is made much easier these days, given the substantial amount of quality curriculum available. We know this decision is going to be right for our family and our children, but also know that it is not a choice for everyone- shoot, it wasn’t even for us a year ago!

So what does that mean for the world of Tummy Treasure?  Well, I certainly hope to hit a groove here very soon.  I hope that over the next few weeks and months that we can hit our stride and figure out how to school, maintain a household, and maintain a blogdom all at the same time.  I do so hope that my blog-readers can bear with me as our lifestyle has a complete shift to make over the next few weeks.

And oh, do I expect to have stories to tell.

I expect that you may very well see more kid cooking here at Tummy Treasure, more ideas for lunches and breakfasts, and I am really hoping to showcase more make-ahead and crockery cooking as well.  As we study the world around us, you know we’ll be in the kitchen, exploring cultures through their cuisine, and how can that not be excellent blog fodder?  So stay tuned, I promise the homemade deliciousness will continue, it just may not be maintained each and every day.  And for those who are uber-curious, or just want to take a peek into the lives of new homeschoolers, I’ll be blogging our homeschool adventure from time to time over at The Sacred Sprouts Schoolhouse.  I am certainly far from an expert, and will not profess to be, but I thought it would be fun to give people a glimpse of what we’re going to be doing.   I’ve been keeping it private over the last several months, but since we’re starting school next week, I guess it’s time to share.

6 thoughts on “A Wandering Ship With No Port In Sight…

  1. I remember you wondering about this… and I am happy to hear you have made a decision and are committed to it. Whether I think it would be right for me or not, I wish you the absolute best of luck and much patience. 😉

  2. I am a faithful reader of your delightful blog and I just wanted to say thanks for the tip about Smashburger. We were in Minnesota visiting family and decided to go there. It was great! Thanks a lot.

  3. Thanks Josie! I think patience is going to be key!

    Lynn- how awesome that you tried Smashburger! That reminds me… we have another visit planned, and Zander was just commenting the other day that he wishes we had a Smashburger nearby. Fuddrucker’s, as it turns out, is an acceptable alternative to a five year old.

  4. Erika . . . how exciting you’re going the homeschooling route! Several of our friends home school, so if you need any resources, I’d be happy to tap them for some. Great to see you on Nourish Network! (I almost typed Swirling Notions ;-)) I’ve missed you!

  5. Thanks Katrina!

    Thanks Lia- we’re excited about it. One of the greatest things about deciding to homeschool has been the people! Homeschool networks have become huge- and everyone is always so willing to share whatever you want to know about homeschooling. Hopefully, we’re onto something that will work well for us, so we can find a new normal- I’ve missed the blogosphere!

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