What do you think of when you hear the words “layered dip”?  I bet your mind instantly thinks of a taco dip- usually a layer of seasoned cream cheese or sour cream, topped with lettuce, shredded cheese, and who knows what else.  I love taco dip- I don’t know many people who don’t love taco dip.  A few weeks ago though, I wanted a layered dip, but I wanted something completely different.  I had a ladies only event to attend, and taco dip just doesn’t sound ladylike to me.  Nor does the idea of tortilla chips loaded with toppings. Obsessed with the idea of a layered dip, I searched for one of the best dips I have ever tasted in my life.

This Layered Greek Dip is the perfect “something different” to take to any occasion. It’s absolutely delicious- the flavors all go together perfectly, and it’s so good, you have to keep going back to it, because you just weren’t sure that the last bite was as good as you remembered.  The ladies I shared this dip with just loved it.  I think Andy loved it even more when I brought a little leftover home to share.  We seriously couldn’t stop eating it, and I can’t wait for another opportunity to make it again.

I have to thank Recipe Girl for sharing the dip in the first place.  She adapted it from a Better Homes and Gardens recipe- and I am so glad she did.  I followed it exactly as written- using the best plain hummus I could find, and serving it up with pita chips.  You could certainly add other things to it- I thought of marinated artichokes some time for a completely different flavor. I also have to add that this got better the longer it sat- the flavors need some time to combine, so make sure you give it the bare minimum of 2 hours for the flavors to develop.  It’s worth the wait.

layered dip

Layered Greek Dip

8 ounce package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
1 Tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp dried Italian seasoning
3 cloves garlic, minced
1½ cups prepared hummus
1 cup chopped cucumber
1 cup chopped tomato
½ cup chopped pitted Kalamata olives
½ cup crumbled feta cheese (reduced fat is fine)
1/3 cup sliced green onions
pita chips and/or multi-grain tortilla chips

1. In medium mixing bowl, cream together cream cheese, lemon juice, Italian seasoning, and garlic with rubber spatula until smooth and well-combined.

2. Spread cream cheese mixture into deep 9-inch pie plate or oval platter. Spread hummus on top of cream cheese layer. Sprinkle on cucumber, then tomato, olives, feta, and green onions.

3. Cover and refrigerate for 2 to 24 hours. Serve with pita chips or tortilla chips.

5 thoughts on “A Completely Different Layered Dip

  1. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe Lori!

    Claire- that’s exactly what I thought when I first saw this- and it is definitely a wow- be sure to take the recipe with you, because everyone will want it. 😉

  2. I was brave and not only made this Phenominal dip I brought to a 100 percent GREEK home.They went bonkers for it.Great for every age group.The 3-4 year olds were also delighted.Thank you for sharing- granny

  3. Granny, I’m so thrilled that you tried it! Thanks for the report on the success- AND for the reminder that I need to make it again!

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