I’ve been working on it for some time now, tweaking this and that, and late last night I finally finished up my new home page.  I’m rather proud of it, my only problem being that something is not right when I look at it with Internet Explorer (unless that’s just my computer).  For best results, use Firefox or Opera.  If you use a different browser altogether, I’d love to know if it looks okay in your browser as well.  I’m excited to actually have built my own webpage!

Thanks for indulging me this morning! I’ll be back this afternoon with some bread.

11 thoughts on “Can I Just Do A Little Bragging This Morning?

  1. New website is terific! Easier to read than the dark page. Follow you faithfully every day. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you Lynn and Brandi. Lynn, your comment had me wondering… I prefer the look of a dark background, but I’ve wondered if it was more difficult for some to read.

    Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to build a webpage for my blog- that’s different. Maybe this look will work for now while I figure something new out.

  3. I love it and am green with envy!!! I think it’s a lot easier to read now with the white background. Love it – great job!

  4. Hi Erika – I MUCH prefer the new site. I used to be in the advertising agency business, and we had a kind of cardinal rule – don’t use reverse (that’s what it’s called, black background, light text) unless there’s just no other way. Always type is harder to read in reverse, so not only does the text need to be bigger, but also in bold. And bigger, bolder type took up more space which equals more space in the ad altogether which equals more expense to the advertiser. In addition, it IS harder to read. The other cardinal rule is to not use caps (capital letters) unless it’s a heading. I laugh when I see ads in the newspaper (uh, what newspaper, I know) with an ad done in all caps. You know it’s been done by someone who doesn’t know any better. So, upper/lower letters is always better too. I didn’t want to tell you that the dark background was almost impossible for me to read because I figured you really liked it, otherwise you wouldn’t have done it!

  5. Thank you Carolyn, for your thoughts. I do prefer the look of the dark backgrounds myself, but I’ve often wondered if other people have trouble reading them. The whole reason I decided to go in that direction in the first place was because I wanted to steer in a greener, cleaner direction. A black background uses less energy than the white background- have you heard of the search engine blackle?

    Anyway, now that I know, I’ll keep it more readable. I’ve already started work on the winter look for the blog, I hope it turns out okay. 🙂

  6. Hi Erika – I like the Christmas look, and the snow. I use Firefox and although the page is fine, the bottom 1/3 inch blips in and out (with a scrolling bar on it) but it rarely stays up long enough to grab the bar. It’s kind of like a broken blinking neon light – that kind of blinking. Just thought you’d want to know.

  7. Hmm, that’s a puzzle Carolyn. I use Firefox as my main browser on both our computers and see nothing out of the ordinary. If I leave the page open for a while, the “snow” piles up and then will blink if I scroll up and down.

    This wasn’t the look I’d planned on using, but when I went to upload the one I’d been working on, it was majorly broken in IE and Opera, so I had to ditch it for now. This one will only be up for December, unless I find time to work on something else.

    Does anyone else see problems?

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