Usually every year at this time I go through some kind of long litany of Thanksgiving recipes.  I talk about my favorites, share some new recipes, and hopefully take a few photos of trial runs.   This year, I just don’t have the time to do any trial runs.  This year, Thanksgiving is going to be a collection of tried-and-true recipes.  (Well, with the exception of one pie.) (I think.)Hey- we’re doing three days of Thanksgiving, that’s a lot of cooking and celebrating going on!

So instead, I’m going to simply direct you over to my Recipe Trove if you’re looking for some great holiday recipes.  I’ve added a category called “Holiday Cooking” and within that category I have my favorite dips, side dishes, roasts, and pies.  And a few breads, cookies and candies as well.  Consider it a “best of” list, if you will.

This year’s Thanksgiving is going to be unlike any in year’s past.  For starters, we’re not even hosting The Big Feast until Friday.  Thursday we’ll be watching football and eating Mexican.  Saturday instead of hoarding the leftovers to ourselves, we’re gathering the gang all together for a repeat performance.  And more pie.  There will be lots of pie.  To add further madness, we’ve also decided to have Sunday brunch too.  Yeah, we’re a crazy bunch, lovin’ our Thansgiving!  Our Friday Feast is actually going to be buffet style instead of sit-down.  On the menu will be turkey, duck, shrimp, and whatever else inspiration throws our way.  I can’t wait.

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