I didn’t really mean to go MIA on everyone this week.  🙂  I do have recipes to share, but since they’re not Thanksgiving type recipes, I don’t want them to get lost in the holiday hullabaloo.   Today is one of those…oddball days.  I could be working on cleaning the house to get ready for The Big Feast, but I’m kind of holding off on that a bit.  As anyone with young children will totally understand.  Yesterday I spent the morning detailing the living room, and when I was satisfied, I moved on to the dining room.  Only to turn around and find that my children decided the clean living room was the best place to stage a Pokemon battle. Sigh.  Today we’ve made a little more progress on getting company ready, but there’s a lot of things I just prefer to do last minute.

I could be cooking I suppose.  I’ve done a lot of make-ahead Thanksgivings in the past, but I discovered a big flaw a with a make-ahead feast.  It really diminishes the power of the leftovers.  If I made cranberry sauce today, it would be at it’s best tomorrow, but I don’t actually need it until Friday.  So then we’ll enjoy it Friday, Saturday, and then we encounter the gray zone of days 5-7 in leftover land.  I don’t do leftovers older than seven days.  And even then, I try to do them within 5 days if at all possible.  So if I just wait to make the cranberry sauce Friday morning after the turkey is in, then the cranberry sauce will be good until the following Friday- instead of Tuesday.  Big difference in my book.

So I’m going to go make an easy cracker dip in a moment.  Tomorrow I will make pie crusts and one pie that is for Thursday.  Other than that, there’s not much to do.  Or is there…

Ah yes.  The great hunt to make certain that I have enough serving dishes and utensils.  Normally, this one is also a piece of cake.  However, we decided last summer that we were going to move, so we started packing seldom-used things up.  Then we decided to stay put at least until spring- but meanwhile all these seldom used holiday things are simply stacked up in totes in the basement.  Nothing like digging through eight totes trying to find that last serving spoon.

Since we’re doing dinner buffet style this year, I thought it would be beneficial to get all the serving pieces out, label them, and match them with a spoon.  I’ve pulled out extra dishes to stand in for dishes other people are bringing, and by golly, it’s a good idea we’re doing buffet style! There’s no room on the table for eating!

buffet ready

I’ll also wash the wine glasses and I think I need to borrow Abigail’s jewelry making kit and make a few more glass markers, I have more people coming than glass markers.

I love Thanksgiving.  What are you doing this week?

1 thought on “Very Important Prep Work

  1. I love to make evrything ahead, but decided not to do it any more for Thanksgiving. If I start too far ahead, I get sick of the food and don’t want to eat it. So all I’ve done so far is make white bread and corn bread for stuffing and made a pie crust. Happy Thanksgiving!

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