Every Saturday morning through mid-October, we have a super fabulous local farmer’s market in downtown Appleton.   The whole market is local vendors- local producers and farmers and artisans, and I just love it.  There are no wholesalers, no out-of-area produce, and every single vendor is so friendly and excited to talk about what they have to offer.

This past week I woke up with a hankering for some fresh vegetables, and I had it in my mind that I wanted to go to the market.  I’d also recently been made aware of a local farmer who I wanted to learn more about specifically, so I determined that I would seek out their stand in particular.   Well, upon my arrival downtown, I had to drive around a little to find a parking spot, but then I found one, and went to plunk my change into the parking meter.  I plunked my change in a little too fast, and was horrified to see that the 40 cents I put in (which should have given me forty minutes) only gave me ten minutes.  Ten minutes! To find one particular vendor over a three block space?  Yikes.

I made a beeline to the market area, and took a gamble with the direction I turned, and lo and behold I was spot on!  The farmer I was interested in was right there!  It turns out that Oakridge Farms has everything they promise.  Their produce was vibrant and colorful, the ladies working the stand were delightful and cheerful, and I walked away with an armful of delicious looking produce.  Unfortunately I couldn’t hang around and chat, as my time was ticking, and the parking enforcement here is very strict.  On my way out of the market, I stopped at the stand next door to Oakridge and bought a pound of fresh Cremini mushrooms, and then I stopped at one more stand while I zipped out, because their red onions were just stunning to look at and wanted to come home with me.

I found my farmer.  If they had a CSA, I would be a member, but I will be happy to regularly frequent them anyway, as they are nearby, and have everything I could possibly want.  They have berries, fresh produce, and it’s family owned and operated.  Their produce was exactly as advertised- delicious.  The sweet corn was sweet and tasty, and I appreciated that it actually wasn’t the supersweet corn that many people have.  You could taste corn, not just sugar.  Their prices are very reasonable as well, and I don’t have to wait for the Saturday market to frequent them, as they have a stand just down the road a bit, or I could go straight to their farm.  I may do that tomorrow.


2 thoughts on “Farmer’s Market Plunder

  1. I love going to the farmer’s market! It sounds like you had a wonderful experience! Can’t help but be excited when you find such amazing locally grown produce!!!

  2. When we go on vacation to different cities and towns, the first thing we look for is a farmer’s market! I don’t think we’ve ever gone to a market and not found something to purchase and be excited about.

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