On so many levels…

Did we really need fruit flavored Cheerios? Aren’t Cheerios supposed to be whole grain goodness? I seriously questioned the frosted Cheerios when those came out. But these…

And let me tell you. They don’t taste very good. I love Fruit Loops (especially the less sugar ones) and I love Cheerios. But they don’t belong in the bowl together. The fruity flavors are pretty intense- and you think that would be good. But they are also really sweet tasting. Too sweet. And then there is this funky aftertaste that reminds me that I haven’t taken my vitamin yet this morning. They also have an “off crunch” they are not light and crunchy, they are dense and crunchy. It’s almost as if someone let the box stale briefly before sealing it up.

So back away from the Fruity Cheerios. They’re definitely not worthy of my breakfast time. And apparently they’re not worthy of Zander’s breakfast time, as he’s left his bowl sitting on the couch, virtually untouched. And rather than take the bowl to the kitchen, he’s now sitting in a different chair, as far away from the Cheerios as possible. They get a big thumbs down here.

4 thoughts on “This is just wrong

  1. When my sister and I were growing up, the family next door was allowed POP while WE were only allowed MILK. (Do you hear the 7-year old outrage?) Next-door Susie even put ORANGE pop on her Fruit Loops. Today grown-up (and slim) Sue is a great cook and a great Mom who works hard to develop healthful eating habits for her own two kids! Go figure!! (And I’m with you. Fruity Cheerios? Ick.)

  2. A fruity Cheerio is a fruit loop and Fruit Loops already exist and so this is completely and utterly WRONG WRONG WRONG! Bad enough they sell all those other Cheerio derivations.

  3. Yikes! Thanks for warning us off. Like you, I love Cheerios & Fruit Loops and was considering that the marriage between the two would be pretty good… Apparently not!

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