But they sure tasted good! This last weekend I was at the grocery store when I saw that cake mixes were buy one get one free. Not a girl to pass up a bargain like that, I picked two up and headed for home. By the time I got home, I had decided that the chocolate fudge mix was going to become cupcakes. And by the time I got in the door, I had decided that they needed something special about them. So it was back to the store and the Easter candy aisle for some mini Milky Way bars. And I’m sure you can see where this is going. I mixed up the mix according to package directions. Then I put half the batter in the bottom of the cupcake liners. A single square of Milky Way found itself nestled in each mound of batter, and then those were topped with the remaining batter.

And while you wouldn’t think that a single Milky Way candy bar could enhance a cake mix cupcake very much, let me assure you that these cupcakes were fantastic. The chocolate of the candy bar kind of melted into the cupcake itself, adding some richness, and at the very center of the cupcake was this yummy caramel-nougatey bite that was almost decadent. And since I was worried that these might be on the sweet side, I made a cream cheese frosting to hold back on the sweetness, and the cupcakes were perfect. My kids ate two a-piece, and all the company seemed to enjoy them. So imagine my almost-embarrassment when I was asked if I was going to post the recipe on my blog today. Er- no recipe. Just cake mix. And candy bars. And for those curious, the cake mix this time was Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge. Sometimes a box of mix just fits the bill perfectly.

2 thoughts on “Nothing Special…

  1. Sometimes, yes, especially when feeding young children en mass. They really don’t care about the homemade-ness of cupcakes.

    I really have to work on some homemade treasures though…

    Thanks for stopping by Garrett!

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