Sometimes I can be so rash…

Welcome to yet another new look. It’s fun and quirky- I like it, but it wreaked some havoc on my blog. Please let me know if you have any problems- especially with any of the links in the sidebar. I had to redo the whole thing.

8 thoughts on “What Did I Do!!

  1. Wow – it looks great, Erika! I haven’t visited in a while (I’m bad about reading blogs!).

    How’d you do it???? Can I hire you to do my site too??? 😉 🙂

  2. Thanks Alysha. Sure wish I could claim the credit. I found a blog-site with a few templates on it. I was drawn to this one, though they have a few others. Warning though- the widgets don’t save through the template change. So I’m trying to remember everything I had in my sidebar. I know there are things missing yet. Here’s the site:

    I do keep meaning to take the time and learn the html/xtml myself…

  3. I just love how the green hills ‘look’ like Wisconsin! Though you might check into the availability of a winter version too … ; – )

  4. Thanks girls. 🙂

    Winter!!?? Noooo…I think we’re finally done with winter for awhile. (knock on wood)

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