It’s been raining and grey for a few days. And while part of me could be annoyed with the rain, we did have a dry fall, and actually, the more rain we get, the greener the grass is getting. So I’m glad for that. I’m simply impatient to get things going with the garden, but since it’s actually too early to do much, the dreary weather is doing me a favor and making me patient. So this is what I found outside this morning when I woke up:

I’m so done with snow. 🙂 But then I checked my little project that I’ve been working on, and imagine my joy when I discovered this:

Tomato seedlings! I’m so excited to see my tomatoes sprout, I hope I can manage to keep them alive…

2 thoughts on “*Sigh* No More Snow!

  1. Congrats on the tomato seedlings!! My mom is starting heirloom plants for me – both from her own stock of seeds and from seeds that I saved from some beautiful tomatoes I bought at the farmer’s market last summer. I am really excited to have tomatoes right outside my door.

    I am also so ready for warm weather! It has hailed here today but no snow yet *crossing fingers*. Stay warm!

  2. It looks like this week we may actually see a bit of a warm up here! Right now it’s bright and sunny this morning.

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