I thought I’d share some photos this morning of Abigail in her dance costumes.  We had a wonderful weekend enjoying her recitals, although it did keep us a little busy.  There hasn’t been really any cooking since we’ve been running around, but this coming week I may have a few ideas up my sleeve.  I’m also going to give this blog some much needed attention and finish polishing it and fixing it up.  I apologize to anyone leaving comments, because for some reason, my computer won’t let me leave them.  I don’t know if that’s a problem with the blog or a problem with my computer…I suspect the latter.  So bear with me this week, and all will be right soon.  In the meantime, here’s my ballet and tap beauty.

Here’s her ballet costume.  Her song that she danced to was “I Love A Rainy Night”, and she did an amazing job.  Her teacher this year was wonderful with all the girls, and I hope we get her again next year.

Then this is her tap costume.  The song here was “We’re In The Money” and Abigail had a blast with it.  We weren’t going to sign her up for tap again for next year, but seeing her have so much fun with it on stage…we may just be doing both classes again.

The whole recital was just wonderful.  They do such a fantastic job mixing up the styles of music and the age groups.  One minute we’re watching the two year old group sort of dance and giggle and really just make the whole audience cheer because they’re so cute,  and then the next minute we’re watching the older girls do some amazing modern dancing. It’s entertaining for the entire 2 1/2 hours, and even better was that we went to two recitals and both were almost completely different.  It was really a great weekend.

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