Other than one bit of rogue code that I can’t seem to get rid of, I think I am happy with this one.  It took a wee bit of editing, and I think it looks okay in both Firefox and IE.  Please, if anything seems wonky or isn’t working right, let me know. I’m looking for some help on getting rid of the footer code that’s producing the error- but overall, I’m thrilled with the way it’s looking.  What do you think?

6 thoughts on “Now That’s Better

  1. Wow! Looks awesome, and I can’t believe how quick it loaded on our 10 buck a month dial up!

  2. Thanks ladies! I’m a bit jazzed about it myself. Even better, I just eliminated the spam code that was plaguing me, and all is well. I’ll give it a few days before I’m sure it’s perfect, but so far, so good.

  3. Thanks Josie and Laura. Josie, I thought the apple lent a bit of whimsy…without it I think it would look too professional and serious. Laura, the fruits and veg are what attracted me in the first place- I’m on such a kick right now, they just screamed at me.

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